Build In The Black - A Builder's Software Solution
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General Information

Ask yourself these questions:

"What bugs me?"

  • "subs not showing up when they promised"
  • "poor quality of work"
  • "change orders"
  • "lack of accurate paperwork"
  • "getting the right materials"
  • "getting the right materials on time"
  • "unfinished work"
  • "missed closed dates"
  • "specs and estimate that do not agree with the set of plans"
  • "punch lists"

The experienced team of builders and professionals have researched and designed Build In The Black to help with as many real world problems as possible. Knowing that problems are normal, we invite you to use Build In The Black and see for yourself how it can help with effective communication between yourself and other people involved in your jobs.

Do you have some of these objectives?

  • "I want to build within budget"
  • "I want to build within a time period"
  • "I want to build with quality"
  • "I want to build in a safe environment"
  • "I want to build without litigation"
  • "I want to build with accuracy from plans to finish"

Build In The Black creates a schedule for you, while you specify and estimate. It then helps you refine that schedule, and your estimate, so that you meet your objectives.

For you to become a highly recommended builder, there are certain goals that can be good for your reputation, such as:

  • keeping your costs within budget as much as possible
  • finishing within a set time frame
  • presenting your finished product with quality that is acceptable by new owners
  • passing all inspections
  • doing the construction safely
  • planning well
  • being organized
  • giving clear directions to subs
  • managing by objectives, rather than managing by crisis

Build In The Black creates a Gantt Chart that follows the critical path method, and this print out can help you communicate the construction milestones to subs, and to your customer if it's a custom home. Using this tool to its fullest, you are able to control the time, quality, cost, and safety of all of your construction projects.

"What's the direct benefit to me?"
If you have better controls in place, you can work a 40 hour work week, rather than a 70 hour work week. You will feel more rested and aware, and perhaps even get a recharge among friends and family. If time is money, Build In The Black simply causes less delays while you keep the same costs, and so you earn a higher profit by the end of the job. Do this from job to job, and you (and other owners, if applicable) will receive a higher salary or draw more dividends at year end.

Subs hate making dry runs.
A well run schedule can help prevent timing problems, when it comes to trades interfering with other trades. Using Build In The Black scheduling, subs will start to recognize and appreciate that you are more organized. They will notice that the site is really ready now when you say it's going to be.

"Does a small, added task really bump up the move in date for my customer?"

Maybe not one. Maybe not two or three, if they are small enough. With no scheduling system, you are guessing. Or you are hoping that completing a different task faster can make up for it. The truth is, you never really know until you get to those last 2 weeks when everything's crazy! Using a computerized schedule, it shows you right away, each time you add a small task. You can then get creative: overlap some tasks and fill in some lead times and have the new tasks not delay the completion date. Or, the computerized schedule may show you that no matter what you do, this new task will indeed advance the completion date.

Here's the best part:
if the new task came from your customer, make the program the bad guy!

Simply say:

"If you need that task added then my program says here that there is no way around delaying your move in date. So, what do you want to do?"

Is this true for you, regarding computer programs?
"I need to know how to enter something, and where to go in the program to do it."

Build In The Black is a construction software system that strives to be easy to use. First, it is functional. Next, Allentium Software is working hard right now to make sure that when you want to do something, it will be easy and clear of what to click on, and where.

Ask yourself this question:
"What do I need my computer to do for me?"
Be easy to use? How about reliable ?

Type a letter and print it. That's an easy task. There are many programs available to handle that simple need, and they are easy to use.

Run 15 large programs all at once and make them all work hard. Here's where a typical personal computer may crash, run out of memory, etc. and not be reliable.

Why bring this up? Because you are looking for an easy program, like a word processor. But your needs are much greater than that. In fact, to handle all of your information system's needs for a complete building and construction company, you are looking at about 15 different programs, that need to inter-relate with each other constantly, and be all up and running at the same time.

Now, you know that this one program, called Build In The Black, is not at the point of combining all of the functionality of those 15 programs, yet. It takes a new approach. It serves to handle all of your basic needs for a complete information system, and it is fast and reliable. There's a list a mile long, of carefully planned enhancements that will bring on new benefits to you, the builder.

Stay tuned.

Buy the program.

Use the program.

Use your free tech support that's included.

Apply the regular free upgrades.

And most of all, have fun doing what you love to do, and letting this program do all the grunt work for you, in terms of information processing!

Click here to request information and a free demo.

Build In The Black construction software improves your ability to plan, organize, direct, and control your construction project management in one easy to use software program.





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